Juuli Kiiskinen

I’m a business-driven designer with 10+ years of experience across multiple fields of design, from solving complex business challenges through service design methods to creating beautiful and functional user interfaces.

I believe in data-informed design and testing hypotheses. As a designer I’m holistic and analytical, always trying to base design decisions on logical reasons instead of subjective opinions – considering both user needs and business outcomes.

Design is a team sport, and I strongly think that it should be demystified to a level where developers, business professionals, and others feel comfortable and welcome to participate. Cross-functional teams for the win!

Don’t believe me? Believe the lovely colleagues and clients I have had the pleasure of working with during the years:

I think Juuli really showcases the
“how to get shit done” attitude.

Feedback, 2023

She has a very curious mind, but she is also able to very quickly start putting the pieces together for a first version that will then guide us towards the more complete and refined plan.

Feedback, 2023